Sunday 7 October 2012


Pecal is a food that's its originality comes from Sumatra archipelago. But it quite popular among people in  Malaysia. The taste of pecal are very suitable in this country. A bit spicy, sour, sweet and the taste really satisfied those who it this special food, Pecal. Pecal are one unique salad for the vegetarian.   There are 2 main ingredient for making pecal, the sauce and the salad. Pecal using peanut as their main course for the sauce. And the salad are composed from water concolvulus, long beans, bean sprouts, turnip and also cucumber. The peanuts are dry-fry in a wok over a gentle flame until they are slightly browns. Skin the nuts, then blend it with a food processor to get them coarsely ground. Next, blanch all vegies except turnip and cucumber about 2 minutes. After that slice all veggies around 2cm long, for easier to eat. Fry belacan and chilli paste or can also use dried chillies. Add water to the groundnut, belacan and chilies that have been fry and also a bit of assam jawa paste and salt. Pour the sauce into the the salad and its now ready to eat. 

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