Sunday 7 October 2012


Pecal is a food that's its originality comes from Sumatra archipelago. But it quite popular among people in  Malaysia. The taste of pecal are very suitable in this country. A bit spicy, sour, sweet and the taste really satisfied those who it this special food, Pecal. Pecal are one unique salad for the vegetarian.   There are 2 main ingredient for making pecal, the sauce and the salad. Pecal using peanut as their main course for the sauce. And the salad are composed from water concolvulus, long beans, bean sprouts, turnip and also cucumber. The peanuts are dry-fry in a wok over a gentle flame until they are slightly browns. Skin the nuts, then blend it with a food processor to get them coarsely ground. Next, blanch all vegies except turnip and cucumber about 2 minutes. After that slice all veggies around 2cm long, for easier to eat. Fry belacan and chilli paste or can also use dried chillies. Add water to the groundnut, belacan and chilies that have been fry and also a bit of assam jawa paste and salt. Pour the sauce into the the salad and its now ready to eat. 

Special food, Nasi Ambeng.

Ambeng is one of the traditional local food is delicious and is still popular among the Malay community Javanese descent living on the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Rice Ambeng popular not only in that area but it is still a food that is still preferred by most of the Javanese people live on the island of Java Indonesia and elders say that food comes from the island of Java.

          Often the food is prepared in special occasions such as feast and thanksgiving feast either late at night or afternoon. Symbolic of rice preparation ambeng is to save cost and operational work of the councils. Besides rice ambeng practitioners believe this practice can bring harmony or happiness in the family. Ambeng rice consists of rice, Tempe, Kerisik, peanut brittle, coconut floss, Noodles or fried rice noodles, chicken and other delicacies appetizers including fruit. This food will be served in the tray or trays lined with banana leaves. Normally, a rice dish Ambeng is for 4 people. Once it is time to eat rice Ambeng, guests will sleep in a little half-hearted. Then the food will be divided into 4 parts and packed in banana leaf that has been provided to take home by guests. When they got home the whole family together to enjoy the food.

          These activities are carried out as usually guests invited to attend the feast is head of the family only. Therefore this way Ambeng Rice dish can be enjoyed by the whole family.So this is the practice or culture that is still practiced today by the descendants of Javanese society especially in Malaysia.


The Uniqueness of Fermented Cassava Cake

Tapai or Lounge is a sweet made ​​from glutinous rice. There are two types of fermented cassava and fermented glutinous rice wine. Usually fermented glutinous more popular when compared with fermented cassava. Fermented glutinous taste more delicious because it is fermented cassava can not match with sticky rice . The ingredient for fermented to make rice wine materials is not too complicated. Requires materials such as fermented glutinous sticky rice, yeast and a little sugar. All three of these materials must be mixed thoroughly. Then be packaged a little bit by using the so-called leaf fermented leaves. But at this age, fermented leaves more difficult to find and most of the rice wine, wrapped with banana leaves. There is little difference between fermented flavor packed with fermented and fermented leaves wrapped in banana leaves.

Tapai Ubi or Fermented cassava
Completely packed fermented put in large jars and vases covered with fabric. Once fermented and stored for 3 days, the fermented rice will cook and then eat. Lounge has cooked remove water very sweet. This rice wine can be drunk and also can be used as medicine ancient old traditional  Some people who use made Tapai also have taboos when to make fermented. When the rice wine is packaged, one can not eat the betel or closer to the things that are red. If this taboo is violated, the rice wine will be red and the taste is not delicious. One also should not eat sour things when packing fermented because it will cause fermented into sour. Tapai that has been cooked too long can not be stored, the time is approximately in 2 days and because it tastes too sweet usually suitable for consumption in the afternoon day as a dessert, and if we want to increase the deliciousness of Tapai, it can be mixed with coconut milk and put some ice.

Tapai also can be found at night market especially at the village area in Malaysia.

This is the steps how to make Fermented Cassava Cake aka Tapai in Malaysia/
Check it out.

Malay traditional Desert- DODOL

By this entry, i would like to share to all of you about one of the special desert among people in Malaysia. which is, DODOL.
 Dodol is a type of food that can be categorized in the group of sweet food (or dessert / hors d'oeuvre). Dodol very famous in Malacca. Make arguably dodol very complicated. Many people are always trying to make it. But not all of which will produce high quality dodol. Usually they are adept at making dodol consists of those who have aged. Skilled young people rarely make dodol.
The materials needed to make are consist of coconut milk, rice flour, sugar, brown sugar and salt. By making, materials should be mixed together in a large skillet or known as the cauldron and cook over medium heat large . Of cooking cooked should not be allowed because if left unchecked, will dodol charred or burnt at the bottom / crust. Therefore, dodol should always stirred in turn to get a good result. Cooked maturation takes a relatively long time, which is about four hours because if there is less than 4 hours, cooked dodol not good to eat if still not cook well. After 2 hours dodol is cooked, dodol will turn into a thick brown slightly. Maturation will be boiling and remove air bubbles. Right after that, dodol be stirred so that the bubble is not out of dodol crater until the ripe and keep it at the other case and the dodol should be cooled in a large pot. To get a good result and a delicious flavor, dodol be dark brown, shiny and thick. After that, the dodol may be cut and eaten. Normally dodol will be served to guests on certain days as days of festivities and feasts.
       So this is the uniqueness by living in Malaysia, lots of special food that can't be found in the other country  I love Malaysia.

As you can see below, this is the video how does the Dodol made. Check it out.