Sunday 7 October 2012

The Uniqueness of Fermented Cassava Cake

Tapai or Lounge is a sweet made ​​from glutinous rice. There are two types of fermented cassava and fermented glutinous rice wine. Usually fermented glutinous more popular when compared with fermented cassava. Fermented glutinous taste more delicious because it is fermented cassava can not match with sticky rice . The ingredient for fermented to make rice wine materials is not too complicated. Requires materials such as fermented glutinous sticky rice, yeast and a little sugar. All three of these materials must be mixed thoroughly. Then be packaged a little bit by using the so-called leaf fermented leaves. But at this age, fermented leaves more difficult to find and most of the rice wine, wrapped with banana leaves. There is little difference between fermented flavor packed with fermented and fermented leaves wrapped in banana leaves.

Tapai Ubi or Fermented cassava
Completely packed fermented put in large jars and vases covered with fabric. Once fermented and stored for 3 days, the fermented rice will cook and then eat. Lounge has cooked remove water very sweet. This rice wine can be drunk and also can be used as medicine ancient old traditional  Some people who use made Tapai also have taboos when to make fermented. When the rice wine is packaged, one can not eat the betel or closer to the things that are red. If this taboo is violated, the rice wine will be red and the taste is not delicious. One also should not eat sour things when packing fermented because it will cause fermented into sour. Tapai that has been cooked too long can not be stored, the time is approximately in 2 days and because it tastes too sweet usually suitable for consumption in the afternoon day as a dessert, and if we want to increase the deliciousness of Tapai, it can be mixed with coconut milk and put some ice.

Tapai also can be found at night market especially at the village area in Malaysia.

This is the steps how to make Fermented Cassava Cake aka Tapai in Malaysia/
Check it out.

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